Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Why can't i speak when i have so much to tell?
Why can't i write when i have too much in my mind?
Why can't i sing when there's music in the air?
Too many words left unspoken,
too many things left undone.
Why can't i and why can't it be?
for all i know this pain deep inside
took the gladness in my heart.
Is this the pain if i missing u?
Is this the reason behind it all?
Friday, November 28, 2008
Rambut Maggie ku!
Huhu. mlm nie nk update blog sndiri la plak.
walaupun tersangat la malas senanyer tp mlm nie nk merajin2kan diri utk m'update! huahahaha.
Today senanyer nk g pgkln kubor ramai2 ngan mami, kak et, teh, cikna pe sume tp i xjd ikot dorang sume gara2 gatal nk g curlkan rambut! huhu. act sronot giler bila si dia nie mao blanja i curlkan rmbt nie. sronot sesgt! haha. cemana dia tetibe nk blanja i curlkan rmbt nie? rasanya mayb sb i salu merungut sal rmbt i yg skng nie membosankan, boring, hodoh, jelik, dan sewaktu dengannya lah. hahaha. then smlm masa i n si dia bermsg2an. dia tya i tgh wape, masa 2 plak i tgh men2 ngan rmbt i yg bosan 2, i pown jawabla yg i tgh men ngan rambut i yg membosankan nie. pas2 tetibe jer dia bg tawaran g curlkan. so, i ape lg. nk la sb da bosan sgt ngan rmbt i nieyh!
Then, td kul 3ptg si dia ambik i kt umah pas2 trus g salon 2. mula2 rase mcm sronot giler tp ada jgk la rasa ragu2 nk g curlkan or x, or nk itamkan jer? sb rmbt brcolour pown i da rase bosan. haiya. lame jgk dk pk2 atas kete 2 sblm trn n msk salon 2. pas2 i decide utk curlkan dlu. kalo curlkan n colour dlm satu masa boleh merosakkan lg rmbt i yg da pown rosak nieyh. huhu.
i trus jejakkan kaki ke salon trsbut n si dia tgl i kt salon 2 dlu sb dia nk g car wash. kete da kotor sgt 2. hehe.
3jam kemudian, terciptalah rmbt i yg kriting nie! dlm hati *huwaaaaaaaaaaa! tanak curl mcm nie! nk curl besar2!* hampeh btol la amoi cina nie. da ckp nk curl beso2. g wat yg kecik jgk! apenie??! hurm, mayb dia ada sound trouble kot kan?! haish! tgk skang, i da bleh jg model iklan maggie da nie! hukhuk. sedeyhla. xlama lps 2, si dia dtg ambik i. ada ke dia ckp rmbt i yg mcm maggie nie comey?hahaha. lucu la. tp kan, bila da smpai uma, tgk2 belek2 rmbt nie boley tahan jgk la. tp still xpuas ati. saman amoi 2 kang! hahaha.
Lepas si dia ambik i kt salon, dia bwk i g kbmall. nk mln kt noodles station katanya. mengidam kot sia dia nie. salu xpenah nk g noodles station 2. or mayb nk tuka slera kot. hehehe. sb salu kalo ikoi i. mcD,pizza,kfc, mcD lg, pizza, kfc. hahaha. 2 jer la. nk wat cane. fav 2!! hehe. Lps mkn kitorang g tgk kucing comel giler kt pet shop 2.. comey!!! geramla.
then, kitorang g kdai cd. si dia beli cite antu tp i lupa la ape tajuk dia. huhu. pas2, pusing2 jap, jln2. then pulang! hehe.
~The End~
P/S: Honey! I nk Kucim comey 2.. please... hehehe (=
Thanx bwk i g curlkan rmbt. i da mula ske ngan rmbt nie wlaupun i xbrape puas ati. huhu. thanx honey! i love you.
Posted by marlyn at 9:11 AM 4 secrets
Labels: kucing., noodles station, Rambut maggie.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Cleaning in progress!
Awas! Kerja-kerja pembersihan sedang dilakukan. p/s: entry ini ditulis oleh Bardock.
Gempak tak? Macam gempak. Tapi tak pun sebenarnya. Dah lame takde entry baru kan? Nape tade entry baru? Nape malas update blog?
Sebenarnye kan, i malas nk update blog. Sbb i tade benda pun nk coret corot kat page ni. Betul ke tade benda? Takkan laa langsung tade benda? Takkan la! tak mungkin lah! Hehe. Sebenarnya kemalasan ni yang da menebal kat pale otak i. Sbb kalo rajin, tak kira ape pun, i tetap akan update gak kan? Mesti lah! So da terang lagi bersuluh, memang sebenarnya i malas nk update blog. Hehe!
Tapi memandangkan blog ni da naik sawang, da ade tikus buat 'family' kat sini, so hari ni, i nk bersihkan sket. Nak sapu debu-debu dan nak halau keluar tikus - tikus semua. Halau je lah. Takkan nk bunuh tikus tu plak kan? Live and let live. Ekeke.
Sorry la uols! I tahu uols mesti rindu i kan? *perasan*
Takpelah. I nk buat macam ni lah. Kalo ade permintaan suh i update blog, i update la k!!
Till then! Taaa~
Ye!! Aku yang tulis!! Tapi kenapa? Die suh tulis!! Pemalas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Majlis Menyambut Menantu *Abe&El*
Congratulations Abe & Kak El!!
Wishing you joy all the happiness today & always!
From this moment your life has begun
From this moment…
You 2 have become one!
Hope your love for each other
Grows every day
And may your life blows
With happiness
You have chosen each other above all the rest to share your love and laughter to live life at its best. May you alwaysfill each other’s lives with love Congratulations
From this day forward, as you sharelive’ joys and trials, May you always comfort one another with smile. Always be together through both laughter and the tears.
Depending on each other. Loving happily ever after. Wishing you an always kind of love. (=
Posted by marlyn at 9:10 AM 1 secrets
Labels: congratulations.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Fever & asthma!
Lamenyer mengupdate blog nie.
skali lg blog nie bersawang.kekeke.
bkn i tanak update blog nie tp sb i pulang ke rumah my granny masa raya aritu, n last week br pulang ke rumah smula. kt uma granny tade connection internet,2 yg taleh m'update 2.huhu.
mulai arini akan ku kembali m'update blog neyh!yeeaaahhaa!!
Cite sal fever & asthma nie kan.saket ati btol la.haish!
mao taw x ape yg wat i nie saket ati sangat?! act, cite dia camnie.
Ada ke patut time raya aritu tetibe jer i start demam!Ari raya pertama plak 2.hampeh btol la.terseksa jiwa raga ku ini.
Then, masa abe nyer wedding ceremony, i kena serang asthma plak.
n asthma kali nie memang menyerang i giler2 la smpai semput2 segala!.
x mcm biasa, slalu kalo kna asthma xpenah semput giler mcm 2.memang seksa giler.rasa mcm nk mati pown ada time 2.huk, org lain sume hepi2 jer time raya n wedding abe 2. n i mcm ape ntah.taleh nk brsuka ria pown.xlarat.huwaaaaaaaaa!
and kemarin, skali lg i rasa saket tekak yg tramat sgt.
huhu. itu adalah petanda i mao diserang oleh demam lg skali.
n lepas 2 mmg btol la jangkaan ku ini. i mula demam skali lg.
i pown gtaw la ngan si dia nie.yg i mula start demam lg.then si dia sebok nk bwk i g klinik n wat test darah, katanya i nie da msk sbulan saket xowqey2 jgk,batok n flu 2 dari raya lg xbaik2!.waaa..takot babe! i tanak wat test darah!!takot!!
Tadi si dia n i ke klinik sb si dia jga sudah dijangkiti oleh virus demam, batok, flu yg ada kt i skang nie.huhu.cian dia.gara2 i pembawa virus nie.dia pown dijangkiti jgk skang.sowie hun..huhu.
dlm klinik td plak, dia dk ckp i kna wat jgk blood i tanak la.then dia mengalah jgk akhirnya.dia ckp tya doctor 2 dlu cemana,kalo doctor ckp xperlu buat blood test 2 br owqey.
then, kami berdua pown msk la ke bilik doctor 2.n know what? i xkna buat blood test pown taw!lega dia jer yg kalot kan? ckp i cme dmm biasa jer n dia da bg ubt pown..wee~
tp i still sedeyh jgk nie.
apsal la penyakit2 nie slalu jer serang i skang.
i da xtahan la saket2 slalu mcm nie.hukhuk.i mao jd org yg sentiasa sehattttt!!!
tanak idup dgn brgantung ngan ubat!
n tanak saket2 mcm nie lg. hukhuk.*sad*
Posted by marlyn at 7:39 AM 7 secrets
Labels: fever and asthma
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My rice porridge!
Ntah nape today rase mcm mao makan bubur nasi!haha,mengidam di bulan puasa.wee~
Pukol 3 td i call my aunt tya kalo mao masak bubur nasi cemana?kna letak ape dlm 2?.then my aunt ckp kalo mao masak bubur nasi kosong xpayah letak ape2 pown and kalo mao masak pkai lauk mcm ayam,daging or udang kna la ltk bawang putih yg ditumbuk sket and kna la pkai sedikit garam.
So, lepas i da dapat recipe utk membuat bubur nasi tersebut.I pown tekad n bersungguh-sungguh membuat bubur nasi tersebut tanpa melengahkan masa lg.hahaha.btol2 mcm org mengidam kan?ahaks.then,i pown ikot la cara2 yg my aunt i ajar td.
Then tgh i dok kaco2 bubur nasi nie,tetibe pewot i saket.memulas.
"arghhh!buat hal btol la pwot time i tgh tekun memasak nie.time dok diam2 tade la wat hal plak". Inilah keluhan i masa tu.hahaha.da xtahan sangat i pown tros la berlari ke 'restroom'! dan tinggal la bubur nasi i yg tgh mendidih tu di atas dapor begitu.I mao mtk tlg bibik tgkkan tp dia tgh kemas2 kt atas plak time, biar je la kan.hehe.
Selepas beberapa minit berada di 'restroom'.I pown keluar dgn prasaan yg amat lega.then,i pown trus menuju smula ke dapor and ada bau hangit2 gitu.tgk2 bubur nasi i yg hangit!!!!haiyaa!!!saket ati pedal btol la.nasib baik hangit 2 kt pntat periok 2 sket jer.smpat lg i tuka bubur nasi 2 ke periok lain.jd kna la tuka and tambah air smula lg skali,sb bubur nasi 2 da nk jd nasi btol da.and i jga tambah udang yang sudah ditumbuk halus and garam.
Dkt pukol 6petang br la bubur nasi i siap dimasak.adei.penat jgk wat bubur nasi stiap minit kena kacau2 tros!then kna tambah air lg kalo nasi 2 rasa mcm still blom masak.huhu.
walaupown hangit sedikit ttp BEST taw! xwase hangit kan da main tambah air and tuka air lps hangit td.bkn saje mao main2 mao hilangkan bau n rase hangit 2 la.kalo buang jer nasi 2 rasa mcm xbaek and membazir la plak.kanak2 kt afganistan 2 xmakan nasi pown.nie kan kite senang2 jer mao buang nasi 2.btol x?xbaek2!hehe.berceramah la plak.haha.
So,ini sahajalah cerita ku pada mlm ini.Jmpa lg di lain waktu pada hari yg juga lain!hahaha.Dhaaa......
Posted by marlyn at 6:37 AM 7 secrets
Labels: Rice porridge
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sedeyh sgt nie.I br dpt mms from my honey yg die ckp die accident!Jantung i nie rase mcm sket lg mao tercabot!and i da taleh duduk diam da skang!I wisau.herm..
Herm. da la da dkt nk raye nie.
I tanak pape pown jd kt die.then td i trus call die bila dpt jer mms 2.dgr jer suara dia.tya dia mcm mane,and dia ckp bahu dia saket.hukhuk.air mata i trus jatuh!then die ckp die akan call i balik nanti.nie la salah satu sbb i tanak die pulang lewat2 malam.then drive laju lg.i tanak bnda2 mcm nie jd la.herm.i bkn saje2 mao m'mbebel xtentu sb i syg die.sgt!hukhuk.
Honey,so sorry bcoz i cant be there for you rite now.skang i cume boleh brharap yg u tade pape n tggu u call jer.sorry sgt.i nk pg tmpt u,i tade kete.kalo ade kete pown.i still tade lesen!huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
P.S/Hope u r fine honey.. :'-(
I'm really love you..
Miss someone.
Have u ever missed someone and felt terrible because u think that he/she doesn't miss u? missing someone is a terrible but at the same time,sweet feeling.u will be sitting around wondering if u meant anything to him/her.thinking if he/she ever cares about u.rushing to the phone once it rings hoping that it's him/her.looking out of the window hoping that he/she will surprise u by appearing downstairs.sitting in front of the television but thinking of him,missing the final episode of your favourite show.
Laying on your bed,thinking of the last time u were out together.thinking of how nice it will be to sit under the stars again.talking about everything,your dreams,plans,future.logging on to the internet hoping to see him/her online.when u realise that he/she isn't online and did not return your page,u will start worrying if he/she is owqey.
Missing someone is a way of growing up i exposes u to teaches u how to cope with being lonely and let u know that there is actually a feeling known as emptiness.
Sometimes it feels good to miss someone.U know that u really care and u indulge in the feeling of loving/caring for him/her.but missing someone and not knowing if he/she is feeling the same is terrible.U feel as if u are being left if u miss someone,tell him/her and let them know.At the same time,ask if they miss u.don't let the feeling of missing someone become jealousy.if u are the one being missed and u know it,let the other party know.if u miss him/her too,tell them. Don't let them wait.
Well,what are you waiting for then !...........
Posted by marlyn at 11:16 AM 0 secrets
Labels: misssomeone
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Redflags?! Oh, No!
I really hate Redflags(PMS)!
I can't stay calm and i can't even eat well.
I can easily get mad.
A simple thing also can become more complicated to me.
I'm sorry.especially to my honey.
Sorry honey.forgive me for being not so behave.
but, i not behave only when i got a redflags rite honey?hehe.
My stomach and my back is aching until now.
I need to shut down.
I need to go rest.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Im really happy today!
walaupun agak penat.hakhak(=
My honey n i break the fast together today.
act kitorang mao brbuka kt 'the ship' tp bila smpai sana,tutup la plak.
untuk pengetahuan,'the ship'(kelantan)tutup utk sepanjang bulan ramadhan.harap maklum.
adei!tersangat la frust.hakhak.then we decide utk brbuka di 'ridel hotel'.
After berbuka,were going to kbmall la plak sb honey ckp dia mao belikan i present!
lagi2 present kan?huhu.present 4 this time is 1 pair of shoe from Vincci.
i love Vincci shoes bcoz they are very comfy and fasionable!
wee~ i got a new shoe!really like it!thanx honey..
after that,my honey mao cari baju melayu sb dia xsmpt mao anta kain bj melayu dia untuk,kna la beli bj melayu yg sudah siap kt kbmall xda bj melayu warna goldcream yg dia cari xda bj melayu warna goldcream kt kbmall.
kitorang pown pg la cari kt wcy plak.tgk2 kt situ lg la xda bj melayu yg kaler goldcream.haish.susah btol mao cari bj melayu kaler 2.
then,kitorng pown trus beredar dr wcy dan menuju ke billion.
Di billion plak skali lg ktorang cari punya cari,pusing punya pusing.
Oh yes,finally!jmpa jgk baju melayu warna goldcream yg dicari2.yeay!!
inilah yg dikatakan usaha tanda kejayaan!Wahahahaha.
selepas menempuhi aktiviti brjalan mencari baju melayu yg agak memenatkan nie,
kitorang pg minom2 smbil mkn 'cholek' la kali nie brsama rakan2nya sekali.huhu.
setelah selasai menjamu selera,kitorang pown pulang ke rumah masing2!*THE END*
Posted by marlyn at 10:20 AM 6 secrets
Labels: shoe.baju melayu.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Surprise again!
Last friday nite, i dikejutkan lg oleh my honey. wee~
My honey bg i present lg.huhu. a cute pink teddy bear!(=
ptt la ptg 2 dia anta msg kt i ckp "Baby, mlm nie u jgn bawa ed k? pls.."
I pown pelik jgk nape dia ttibe jer xbg i bwa ed.sbb stip kali i mao pulang ke rumah my granny i msti kna bwa ed(chocolate teddy).kalo x bwa,taleh titow la jwbnya.huhu. lgpown salu i bawa ed dia owqey jer.hurm,then i call dia n tanya "nape i taleh bwa ed?" then dia jwb "sajer jer,but pls jgn bwa ed".Last2 i pown jwb owqey.*sigh*.
Lps 2 dia ckp lg, "sorry syg, tp i promise i akan wat u happy mlm nie".
Then, mlm 2 my honey pickup i kt umah sb mao anta i ke umah my granny.
tp before ke umah granny ktorng pegi tt(teh tarik session snc club).
I tanak pegi act tp sb da byk kali sgt my honey ajak n dia ckp mao knlkan i kt rakan2nya,terpaksa pegi jgk la.hakhak.
Dlm perjalanan ke tt trsbut, dia amik smthin kt blakang.A cute pink teddy bear!wee~
Dia bg teddy 2 kt i n ckp "thats why i tanak u bwa ed,bcoz i love you!"
Wahhh..time 2 i tetibe jd diam ske sgt la katakan.
smpai ckp thanx pown tak.hakhak.rasa mao mlompat pown ada.
huh,tak abes2 ngan mao mlompat
tp seriously,mmg rasa mcm 2.nk wat cemana
Skang teddy pink br i pown da ada name jgk.
my honey mao i ltk nama gummy n i ske name sunshine.
bila pk2,gabung aje la dua name 2.Jd, dptla nama bear pink br i nie.
'Gummy sunshine' cute rite?hakhak(=
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I'm back! wink wink!
Da bersawang blog neyh.
bukan stakat spider web jer yg ada.
tikus pown da wat sarang kot.or maybe da beranak!hakhak.
tp takpe,mulai ini hari i akan bersihkan kembali sume sawang2 yg terdapat kt i nyer blog neyh.yeahaaa!!
Windu giler kt page neyh!hukhuk.
Act,bkn i tamao m'update i nyer blog neyh tp internet kt umah wat hal lor.
disebabkan oleh prob trsebut.tak dapat la i m'bloggingkan diri utk smentara waktu.
hoho.skang prob tenet da slesai da pown.
So,i akan start m'blogging kembali!yeay!*happy*
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Continue of Personality Test.
The answer of your personality.
1. The whole thing at once.
This mean u consume life with abandon,u r fun to be with,exciting,carefree with some hint of recklessness.U r totally irresponsible.No one should trust u with their children.
2. One bite at time.
U r lucky to be on of the 5.4billion other people who eat their oreos this way.Just like them,u lack imagination,but thats owqey.not to worry,u're normal.
3. Slow and methodical.
U follow the rules.U r tidy and oderly.Stay out of the fast lane if u're only going to go the speed limit.
4. Feverous nibbles.
Ur boss like u because u get ur work done quickly.U always have a million things to do and never enough time to do them.Mental breakdown and suicides run in ur family.
5. Dunked.
Everyone likes u because u r always upbeat.You like to sugar coat unpleasant experiences and rationalize bad situations into good ones.
6. Twisted apart, the inside then the cookie.
U have a highly curious nature.U take pleasure in breaking things apart and finding how they work,though not always able to put them back together,so u destroy all the evidence of ur activities.
7. Twisted apart, eat the inside and toss the cookie.
U r good in business and take risks that pay off.U take what u want and throw the rest away.U r greedy,selfish,mean and lack feelings for others.
8. Just eat the cookie, not the inside.
U enjoy pain.
9. Just lick them, not eat them.
Stay away from furry animals and seek professional medical help immediately.
10. Don't have favourite way because u don't like Oreos.
U probably come from a rich family,and like to wear branded clothes and go fancy restaurants.U r particular and fussy about the things u buy,own and wear.things have to be just right.U like to pampered.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Personality Test..
Choose which method best describes your favourite method of eating Oreos:
1. The whole thing all at once.
2. One bite at a time.
3. Slow and methodical nibbles examining the result of each bite afterwards.
4. In little feverous nibbles.
5. Dunked in some liquid (milk, coffee...).
6. Twist apart, eat the inside (the cream) then the cookie.
7. Twist apart, eat the inside and the toss the cookie.
8. Just eat the cookie, not the inside.
9. Just lick them, not eat them.
10. Don't have a favourite way because you don't like oreos.
Choose now!hurry!
your personality?? to be continue....
Posted by marlyn at 8:28 AM 2 secrets
Labels: Oreo personality test.
Monday, July 14, 2008
The Day! *winkwink*
14th of july...
i and si dia are officially in a relationship.
really feel like want to jumpin jumpin and jumpin!wee~~
act da seminggu lebih tgu utk btl2 declare si dia tanak declare via phone.
He wanna meet me! br mau btl2 declare.
I meet him.act nk g daftar dancing class mlm.
sambil2 tu boleyh la ngedate skali! ahahaha.
then, we're going to pantai cahaya bulan.leyparking wit him jer la.
act si dia mau ajak kwnnya jgk.doubledate si dia ckp.
tp i nie yg mau.herm.sorry blom bersedia utk jmpa kwn u tu.
masa yg ditunggu2 sudah tiba nie.he told me.
"im ready to take u as my gf".Oops.wee~~
sgt sgt sgt hepi. he's so romantic rite?ahaha(=
then.i told him.i want to jump rite now!hikhik;p~the end~
cite sket2 dah la.ahaks.
but why only one heart?it's because the other one was given to someone for us to find'.
now, im already meet bout ya?. (=
Posted by marlyn at 7:34 PM 15 secrets
Sunday, July 13, 2008
so sorry....
i didn't meant to hurt u.
sy perlukan yg terbaik utk hidup sy.
hope u'll understands.
really love u.i mean it!
and thanx for loving me too..
Siapakah gerangan jejaka ygg menghantar sejambak bunga itu?!
msti tertanya tanya kan?ahaks.
but.i pk biarla ia menjadi satu tanda tanya.
mcm mana hubungan kami?
Oops, i think y'all taw ape jawapannya.
so, pikir2 la sendiri kalo nk cite 2 pnjang sangat2!hikhik;p
byknya habuk kt page neyh.maklumla da lama xupdate.
huhu.nvrmind my lovely i nk update u la neyh!ahahaha..wee~~
Hey,u know what.
This morning i sgt sgt lah terkejut bila nabil(my cuz) memanggil2 nama i neyh.
i'm still in da bed time 2.then dia msk dengan membawa sejambak bunga! first 2 xheran la.coz i tot sejambak bunga tu utk mummy!
sb slalu kalo de bunga jer msti utk mummy.
i pown tya nabil."bunga tu utk mummy eyh?"
then nabil cakap "taklah,tgkla sndiri utk sape.
rasa pelik mula menyelubungi diri.ahaks.
kalo bkn utk mami utk sape yea?i pown ambik la bunga 2 dgn nabil.
guess what?!
i terkejut,shock,tergamam n ape2 jer la yg sewaktu dgnnya.
bila tgk kt card yg tertulis ' TO:MARLYN'
ahaha.hey,that's me!sejambak bunga 2 utk i!Wee~~
im so happy.happy.happy. n ofcourse la terharu jgk.
sb i xpenah trima sejambak bunga dari sape2 pown before!(=
Posted by marlyn at 9:33 PM 8 secrets
Labels: surprise for me.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Stress!!!! urghhhhhh..
bila da stress mcm nie mmg xbest sgt!adei..
mcm mana nk ilangkan stress ya?
ada pape tips utk hilangkan stress x?
anyone??can gimme the tips?please..
really need it now.. *sad*
Monday, June 30, 2008
review of The Lost Room..
Act xtaw nk update psl ape, xda pepe yg menarik nk diupdatekan.huhu.wee~
kbetulan tringat sal cite The Lost Room.
Msti korang sume penah tgk cite nie kan? cite nie da lama main.cite nie paling best diantara cite2 yang ada skang.Da brkali2 tgk cite sket pon xboring! la.rase cam nk tgk lg skali.ahaha.
Jom review blk cite nie..
In the 1960s, there still were hundreds of motels with thousands of rooms along Route 66 as it twisted its way from Chicago to L.A. and back. None of them stood out from the rest until one day when some unknown event at the Sunshine Motel transformed ordinary things into items of wonder.
Room 10 of the Sunshine Motel and many of its mundane contents — a pair of scissors, a comb and so on — gained unique and inexplicable properties on that day, transforming them from ordinary objects into indestructible Objects.
The Scissors can turn and rotate any item in three dimensions. The Comb stops time for 10 seconds when you run it through your hair. The Eyeglasses inhibit all combustion in a 20-foot radius. The Room itself is an unchanging haven and a portal to any destination. But it can also take that which you value more than your own life.
To possess an Object is to possess its power.
Using each Object exacts a physical, emotional or psychological cost from the owner. Just holding one makes you a target for murder.
For decades, maybe since the first moment that the Motel Room was ripped from this reality, cabals have formed to collect all the Objects. As always, some just want unlimited power, and they believe getting all of the Objects will give them that. Others want to prevent anyone from ever again using the Objects.
And though their motives vary, the cabals' tactics are similar. It's said that while you have one of the Objects, you have no friends, only people waiting for an opening.
Police Det. Joe Miller was introduced to the Motel Room when a fatally shot young man gave him one of the most powerful and coveted Objects of them all: the Key to the Motel Room. His life is immediately turned upside down when his young daughter becomes lost in the room. In his relentless quest to rescue his little girl, Joe becomes the target of shadowy figures who will stop at nothing to take from him his only hope of saving her — the Key.
P.S/best kan cite nie?huhu (=
Posted by marlyn at 12:12 AM 4 secrets
Labels: review, the lost room.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Resign Or Not??
Hurm.i'm really sad rite now.
I got a big conflicts wit someone...
then,'someone' yang i mksdkan 2 skelas plak ngan i(class makyong i mean).
kalo bleh mmg da xnk jumpa n tgk la muka 'someone' 2 lg.
bcoz dia da buat i rasa sgt sgt sgt n sgt kecewa ngan sikap dia.
before nie dia ok sgt n i really love her so much.but,ntah nape dia tetiba "bertukar".
Haish. mmg xsangka la prangai dia mcm 2. really weird n bad!
So,what i suppose to do now?!Should i resign my career as a tradisional dancer in kelantan(makyong)??!Or how?.
I need some suggestion now..
P.S/Oh,God!Please help me!!
Gimme a strength to confront with this problems.*sad+cry*
Posted by marlyn at 7:29 AM 3 secrets
Labels: about someone.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
We All in Kuantan, #part 2.. POSE2!
Congratulation on your marriage..
for each other today
Brings happiness to both of you
and may that love keep
Growing everyday the whole
life through.








Posted by marlyn at 8:13 AM 4 secrets
Labels: we all. kuantan. part 2.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
First dating wit "the ngade" ahaks. Wee~~ (=
21 june 2008
Second dating, wit HIM.. "the ngade"! (=
22 june 2008
Posted by marlyn at 12:12 AM 12 secrets
Labels: fisrst date, in love, second date
Monday, June 16, 2008
'We All' in Kuantan,pahang!!
Posted by marlyn at 8:39 AM 19 secrets
Labels: we all. kuantan.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
On Wedding Day!! ET & NAZA, congratulations!
Posted by marlyn at 10:03 AM 10 secrets
Labels: congrat.
Friday, June 6, 2008 bored. Let's posing! *winkwink*
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Ilah & Azzril on engagement day, Congratulations!
Posted by marlyn at 12:21 AM 0 secrets
Labels: congrat., engagement day